code- The Atomic Spheres Approximation
- Implementation of Dynamical Mean Field Theory
- Full Potential LMTO Capabilities
- Full Potential Overview
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
- Including ladder diagrams in W
- Implementation of the GW Approximation
- The ASA Crystal Green's function program lmgf
- The ASA layer Green's function program lmpg
- The empirical tight-binding code tbe
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorisedinput- Command Line switches
- Questaal Data files and their Formats
- The GWinput file
- The blm utility and the init file
- The Input File (CTRL)
- Syntax of the Input File
- The File Preprocessor
- The restart file
- Specifying Lattice and Site Information
- Symmetry Line Files
misc- The ccomp processor
- The fplot utility
- Fitting energies to classical model Hamiltonians
- The supercell and superlattice maker lmscell
- The mcx matrix calculator
- The polynomial fitting program pfit
- The plbnds utility
- The pldos utility
- The rdfile and rdcmd utilities
numerics- Brillouin zone integration
- Syntax of integer lists
- Jigsaw Puzzle Orbitals
- On Rotations
- Self-consistency
- Smooth Hankel Functions
- Spherical Harmonics
- Spin and Spin Orbit Coupling
outputs- Annotated GW output
Output from lmgw, mostly for 1-shot GW calculations.
- Annotated standard output, program lmf
The standard output from the PbTe tutorial is annotated.
- Annotated standard output, program lmfa
The standard output from lmfa for the PbTe tutorial is annotated
- Annotated standard output, program lmfg
application- Dielectric Function of silver
A study of the optical response of silver.
- Elastic Constants and Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat in Al
Two of the three independent elastic constants in Al are calculated.
- Making a Fermi Surface for spin polarized Fe
Outlines steps to generate a Fermi surface for Fe, using either the ASA or FP programs.
- Nb/Fe Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb/Fe multilayer
- Nb/Ni Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb(110)/Ni(111) multilayer
- Dielectric function and other optical properties with a band code
- Non-Equilibrium Optical Properties
asa- Introductory ASA Tutorial
Demonstrates how to set up and run band calculation using the lm program.
- ASA calculation for CsPbI3 in cubic and pseudocubic structures
ASA and FP band structures, as as a setup to later tutorials
- Generating Energy Bands in the ASA
How to generate energy bands in PbTe using the ASA program lm.
- Levenberg-Marquardt fitting of ASA Hamiltonian to QSGW Energy Bands
Tutorial demonstrating the fitting to QSGW band structure with the ASA, applied to CsPbI.
- Self-Consistency With Approximate Linear Response
How to accelerate convergence to self-consistency in the ASA by estimating the static dielectric function.
- Self-Consistent ASA calculation for PbTe
Introductory tutorial demonstrating the lm program applied to PbTe.
- ASA Partial DOS
An introduction to generating partial DOS with lm.
gw- Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
- Optics and resolved DOS in Fe
Shows various ways in which DOS can be decomposed.
- Introductory GW tutorial: LDA-based GW for Si
A basic tutorial on 1-shot GW calculations starting from the LDA.
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
How to compute dielectric functions including ladder diagrams.
- Making the dynamical GW self energy
Make the dynamical self-energy in Fe, starting from a static QSGW self-energy.
- Configuring lmf and for HPC architectures
How to optimizing performance on massively parallel and GPU accelerators
- QSGW calculations for ErAs starting from LDA+U
How to perform a QSGW calculation for ErAs, starting from an LDA+U calculation.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- QSGW Tutorial for magnetic bcc Fe
A demonstration of a QSGW calculation for Fe, starting from the LDA.
- Introductory QSGW Tutorial
An introduction to QSGW : calculation for Si.
- The static QSGW self-energy editor and some Applications of it
This tutorial demonstrates applications of lmf's static self-energy editor.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorised- Generating Input Files
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Overview of Tutorials By Program
lmf- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
An introduction to
input- Command Line switches
- Questaal Data files and their Formats
- The GWinput file
- The blm utility and the init file
- The Input File (CTRL)
- Syntax of the Input File
- The File Preprocessor
- The restart file
- Specifying Lattice and Site Information
- Symmetry Line Files
misc- The ccomp processor
- The fplot utility
- Fitting energies to classical model Hamiltonians
- The supercell and superlattice maker lmscell
- The mcx matrix calculator
- The polynomial fitting program pfit
- The plbnds utility
- The pldos utility
- The rdfile and rdcmd utilities
numerics- Brillouin zone integration
- Syntax of integer lists
- Jigsaw Puzzle Orbitals
- On Rotations
- Self-consistency
- Smooth Hankel Functions
- Spherical Harmonics
- Spin and Spin Orbit Coupling
outputs- Annotated GW output
Output from lmgw, mostly for 1-shot GW calculations.
- Annotated standard output, program lmf
The standard output from the PbTe tutorial is annotated.
- Annotated standard output, program lmfa
The standard output from lmfa for the PbTe tutorial is annotated
- Annotated standard output, program lmfg
application- Dielectric Function of silver
A study of the optical response of silver.
- Elastic Constants and Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat in Al
Two of the three independent elastic constants in Al are calculated.
- Making a Fermi Surface for spin polarized Fe
Outlines steps to generate a Fermi surface for Fe, using either the ASA or FP programs.
- Nb/Fe Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb/Fe multilayer
- Nb/Ni Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb(110)/Ni(111) multilayer
- Dielectric function and other optical properties with a band code
- Non-Equilibrium Optical Properties
asa- Introductory ASA Tutorial
Demonstrates how to set up and run band calculation using the lm program.
- ASA calculation for CsPbI3 in cubic and pseudocubic structures
ASA and FP band structures, as as a setup to later tutorials
- Generating Energy Bands in the ASA
How to generate energy bands in PbTe using the ASA program lm.
- Levenberg-Marquardt fitting of ASA Hamiltonian to QSGW Energy Bands
Tutorial demonstrating the fitting to QSGW band structure with the ASA, applied to CsPbI.
- Self-Consistency With Approximate Linear Response
How to accelerate convergence to self-consistency in the ASA by estimating the static dielectric function.
- Self-Consistent ASA calculation for PbTe
Introductory tutorial demonstrating the lm program applied to PbTe.
- ASA Partial DOS
An introduction to generating partial DOS with lm.
gw- Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
- Optics and resolved DOS in Fe
Shows various ways in which DOS can be decomposed.
- Introductory GW tutorial: LDA-based GW for Si
A basic tutorial on 1-shot GW calculations starting from the LDA.
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
How to compute dielectric functions including ladder diagrams.
- Making the dynamical GW self energy
Make the dynamical self-energy in Fe, starting from a static QSGW self-energy.
- Configuring lmf and for HPC architectures
How to optimizing performance on massively parallel and GPU accelerators
- QSGW calculations for ErAs starting from LDA+U
How to perform a QSGW calculation for ErAs, starting from an LDA+U calculation.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- QSGW Tutorial for magnetic bcc Fe
A demonstration of a QSGW calculation for Fe, starting from the LDA.
- Introductory QSGW Tutorial
An introduction to QSGW : calculation for Si.
- The static QSGW self-energy editor and some Applications of it
This tutorial demonstrates applications of lmf's static self-energy editor.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorised- Generating Input Files
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Overview of Tutorials By Program
lmf- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
- The ccomp processor
- The fplot utility
- Fitting energies to classical model Hamiltonians
- The supercell and superlattice maker lmscell
- The mcx matrix calculator
- The polynomial fitting program pfit
- The plbnds utility
- The pldos utility
- The rdfile and rdcmd utilities
numerics- Brillouin zone integration
- Syntax of integer lists
- Jigsaw Puzzle Orbitals
- On Rotations
- Self-consistency
- Smooth Hankel Functions
- Spherical Harmonics
- Spin and Spin Orbit Coupling
outputs- Annotated GW output
Output from lmgw, mostly for 1-shot GW calculations.
- Annotated standard output, program lmf
The standard output from the PbTe tutorial is annotated.
- Annotated standard output, program lmfa
The standard output from lmfa for the PbTe tutorial is annotated
- Annotated standard output, program lmfg
application- Dielectric Function of silver
A study of the optical response of silver.
- Elastic Constants and Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat in Al
Two of the three independent elastic constants in Al are calculated.
- Making a Fermi Surface for spin polarized Fe
Outlines steps to generate a Fermi surface for Fe, using either the ASA or FP programs.
- Nb/Fe Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb/Fe multilayer
- Nb/Ni Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb(110)/Ni(111) multilayer
- Dielectric function and other optical properties with a band code
- Non-Equilibrium Optical Properties
asa- Introductory ASA Tutorial
Demonstrates how to set up and run band calculation using the lm program.
- ASA calculation for CsPbI3 in cubic and pseudocubic structures
ASA and FP band structures, as as a setup to later tutorials
- Generating Energy Bands in the ASA
How to generate energy bands in PbTe using the ASA program lm.
- Levenberg-Marquardt fitting of ASA Hamiltonian to QSGW Energy Bands
Tutorial demonstrating the fitting to QSGW band structure with the ASA, applied to CsPbI.
- Self-Consistency With Approximate Linear Response
How to accelerate convergence to self-consistency in the ASA by estimating the static dielectric function.
- Self-Consistent ASA calculation for PbTe
Introductory tutorial demonstrating the lm program applied to PbTe.
- ASA Partial DOS
An introduction to generating partial DOS with lm.
gw- Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
- Optics and resolved DOS in Fe
Shows various ways in which DOS can be decomposed.
- Introductory GW tutorial: LDA-based GW for Si
A basic tutorial on 1-shot GW calculations starting from the LDA.
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
How to compute dielectric functions including ladder diagrams.
- Making the dynamical GW self energy
Make the dynamical self-energy in Fe, starting from a static QSGW self-energy.
- Configuring lmf and for HPC architectures
How to optimizing performance on massively parallel and GPU accelerators
- QSGW calculations for ErAs starting from LDA+U
How to perform a QSGW calculation for ErAs, starting from an LDA+U calculation.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- QSGW Tutorial for magnetic bcc Fe
A demonstration of a QSGW calculation for Fe, starting from the LDA.
- Introductory QSGW Tutorial
An introduction to QSGW : calculation for Si.
- The static QSGW self-energy editor and some Applications of it
This tutorial demonstrates applications of lmf's static self-energy editor.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorised- Generating Input Files
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Overview of Tutorials By Program
lmf- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
- Annotated GW output
Output from lmgw, mostly for 1-shot GW calculations.
- Annotated standard output, program lmf
The standard output from the PbTe tutorial is annotated.
- Annotated standard output, program lmfa
The standard output from lmfa for the PbTe tutorial is annotated
- Annotated standard output, program lmfg
application- Dielectric Function of silver
A study of the optical response of silver.
- Elastic Constants and Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat in Al
Two of the three independent elastic constants in Al are calculated.
- Making a Fermi Surface for spin polarized Fe
Outlines steps to generate a Fermi surface for Fe, using either the ASA or FP programs.
- Nb/Fe Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb/Fe multilayer
- Nb/Ni Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb(110)/Ni(111) multilayer
- Dielectric function and other optical properties with a band code
- Non-Equilibrium Optical Properties
asa- Introductory ASA Tutorial
Demonstrates how to set up and run band calculation using the lm program.
- ASA calculation for CsPbI3 in cubic and pseudocubic structures
ASA and FP band structures, as as a setup to later tutorials
- Generating Energy Bands in the ASA
How to generate energy bands in PbTe using the ASA program lm.
- Levenberg-Marquardt fitting of ASA Hamiltonian to QSGW Energy Bands
Tutorial demonstrating the fitting to QSGW band structure with the ASA, applied to CsPbI.
- Self-Consistency With Approximate Linear Response
How to accelerate convergence to self-consistency in the ASA by estimating the static dielectric function.
- Self-Consistent ASA calculation for PbTe
Introductory tutorial demonstrating the lm program applied to PbTe.
- ASA Partial DOS
An introduction to generating partial DOS with lm.
gw- Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
- Optics and resolved DOS in Fe
Shows various ways in which DOS can be decomposed.
- Introductory GW tutorial: LDA-based GW for Si
A basic tutorial on 1-shot GW calculations starting from the LDA.
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
How to compute dielectric functions including ladder diagrams.
- Making the dynamical GW self energy
Make the dynamical self-energy in Fe, starting from a static QSGW self-energy.
- Configuring lmf and for HPC architectures
How to optimizing performance on massively parallel and GPU accelerators
- QSGW calculations for ErAs starting from LDA+U
How to perform a QSGW calculation for ErAs, starting from an LDA+U calculation.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- QSGW Tutorial for magnetic bcc Fe
A demonstration of a QSGW calculation for Fe, starting from the LDA.
- Introductory QSGW Tutorial
An introduction to QSGW : calculation for Si.
- The static QSGW self-energy editor and some Applications of it
This tutorial demonstrates applications of lmf's static self-energy editor.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorised- Generating Input Files
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Overview of Tutorials By Program
lmf- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
- Dielectric Function of silver
A study of the optical response of silver.
- Elastic Constants and Electronic Contribution to Specific Heat in Al
Two of the three independent elastic constants in Al are calculated.
- Making a Fermi Surface for spin polarized Fe
Outlines steps to generate a Fermi surface for Fe, using either the ASA or FP programs.
- Nb/Fe Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb/Fe multilayer
- Nb/Ni Superlattice
a preparatory tutorial to set up the superlattice for transport in a Nb(110)/Ni(111) multilayer
- Dielectric function and other optical properties with a band code
- Non-Equilibrium Optical Properties
asa- Introductory ASA Tutorial
Demonstrates how to set up and run band calculation using the lm program.
- ASA calculation for CsPbI3 in cubic and pseudocubic structures
ASA and FP band structures, as as a setup to later tutorials
- Generating Energy Bands in the ASA
How to generate energy bands in PbTe using the ASA program lm.
- Levenberg-Marquardt fitting of ASA Hamiltonian to QSGW Energy Bands
Tutorial demonstrating the fitting to QSGW band structure with the ASA, applied to CsPbI.
- Self-Consistency With Approximate Linear Response
How to accelerate convergence to self-consistency in the ASA by estimating the static dielectric function.
- Self-Consistent ASA calculation for PbTe
Introductory tutorial demonstrating the lm program applied to PbTe.
- ASA Partial DOS
An introduction to generating partial DOS with lm.
gw- Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
- Optics and resolved DOS in Fe
Shows various ways in which DOS can be decomposed.
- Introductory GW tutorial: LDA-based GW for Si
A basic tutorial on 1-shot GW calculations starting from the LDA.
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
How to compute dielectric functions including ladder diagrams.
- Making the dynamical GW self energy
Make the dynamical self-energy in Fe, starting from a static QSGW self-energy.
- Configuring lmf and for HPC architectures
How to optimizing performance on massively parallel and GPU accelerators
- QSGW calculations for ErAs starting from LDA+U
How to perform a QSGW calculation for ErAs, starting from an LDA+U calculation.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- QSGW Tutorial for magnetic bcc Fe
A demonstration of a QSGW calculation for Fe, starting from the LDA.
- Introductory QSGW Tutorial
An introduction to QSGW : calculation for Si.
- The static QSGW self-energy editor and some Applications of it
This tutorial demonstrates applications of lmf's static self-energy editor.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorised- Generating Input Files
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Overview of Tutorials By Program
lmf- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
Demonstrates how to set up and run band calculation using the lm program.
ASA and FP band structures, as as a setup to later tutorials
How to generate energy bands in PbTe using the ASA program lm.
Tutorial demonstrating the fitting to QSGW band structure with the ASA, applied to CsPbI.
How to accelerate convergence to self-consistency in the ASA by estimating the static dielectric function.
Introductory tutorial demonstrating the lm program applied to PbTe.
An introduction to generating partial DOS with lm.
- Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
Transverse susceptibility and spin waves
- Optics and resolved DOS in Fe
Shows various ways in which DOS can be decomposed.
- Introductory GW tutorial: LDA-based GW for Si
A basic tutorial on 1-shot GW calculations starting from the LDA.
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
How to compute dielectric functions including ladder diagrams.
- Making the dynamical GW self energy
Make the dynamical self-energy in Fe, starting from a static QSGW self-energy.
- Configuring lmf and for HPC architectures
How to optimizing performance on massively parallel and GPU accelerators
- QSGW calculations for ErAs starting from LDA+U
How to perform a QSGW calculation for ErAs, starting from an LDA+U calculation.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- QSGW Tutorial for magnetic bcc Fe
A demonstration of a QSGW calculation for Fe, starting from the LDA.
- Introductory QSGW Tutorial
An introduction to QSGW : calculation for Si.
- The static QSGW self-energy editor and some Applications of it
This tutorial demonstrates applications of lmf's static self-energy editor.
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
uncategorised- Generating Input Files
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Overview of Tutorials By Program
lmf- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
Guide to constructing input file for the Questaal suite of codes
- Including Augmented Plane Waves in the lmf Basis Set
How to augment the lmf basis set with Augmented Plane Waves (APWs).
- Extremal points and effective mass
Using the band-edge script to find extremal points in k-space and calculate effective masses.
- Generating and plotting energy bands with lmf
An introductory tutorial showing how to plot bands for Si.
- Optimisation of the lmf basis set
Demonstrates lmf's automatic basis optimization option.
- Properties of the lmf basis set
Explains the lmf basis set in the context of a self-consistent calculation for Bi2Te3.
- Building input files for lmf
Shows how to construct input files, receiving structural information from various sources.
- Simplifying a complex ctrl file
How to construct a simplified ctrl file from a complex ctrl file
- Plotting charge density in Ba3Ta2ZnO9
How to use lmf to plot the charge density or Hartree potential
- First steps in lmf
First steps in lmf
- Calculating isotropic Heisenberg exchange parameters via the transverse susceptibility (full-potential LMTO)
Magnetic exchange, transverse susceptibility
- Molecular Statics in Se
Using lmf to relax internal coordinate in Se.
- Detailed lmf tutorial: self-consistent LDA calculation for PbTe
Detailed lmf tutorial : A self-consistent density-functional calculation for PbTe
- Partial Densities of States and Core-Level Spectroscopy
How to generate calculate total and partial densities of states, and core-level spectroscopy
- Introductory lmf tutorial
Introductory tutorial to lmf : self-consistent calculation of Si
lmgf- lmgf tutorial
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
- lmgf-cpa tutorial
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
lmpg- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
A basic tutorial covering the functions of the crystal Green's function code.
Demonstrates lmgf's implementation of the Coherent Potential Approximation.
- Converting a periodic lattice into a trilayer geometry (ASA)
conversion of a lattice into a tri-layer with lmscell
- Nb/Fe/Nb Metallic Trilayer, Electronic Structure and Landauer-Buttiker Transport
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Fe/Nb trilayer
- Nb(110)/Ni/Nb(110) Metallic Trilayers, Landauer-Buttiker Transport and Andreev levels
Electronic structure and transport in a Nb/Ni/Nb trilayer
- Transmission for a model step potential (ASA)
Landauer transmission in ASA approximation to step potential
misc- Zeeman Field Tutorial
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
- Inverse Participation Ratio
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
- Superlattices in QSGW
Applications of the supercell maker.
- Constraining Local Magnetic Moments
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
- Rotating site positions and connecting vectors
- Brillouin Zone Unfolding
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
qsgw_dmft- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
A site-dependent external magnetic field is added to Gd in GdN.
How to calculate the inverse participation ratio.
Applications of the supercell maker.
Shows how to constrain local magnetic moments to fixed values
Brillouin Zone Unfolding
- Introduction to the QSGW+DMFT tutorials
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- First tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Second tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Running the DMFT loop.
- Third tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- Fourth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Seventh tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- cRPA
The general framework of the QSGW+DMFT method (true also for LDA+DMFT) relies on a separation of the whole problem into a lattice and an impurity problem.
- Load QSGW hamilotonian in python notebook
In this tutorial,
- Spectral functions for LSCO
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for Sr2RuO4
- Introduction to the ED
- Fifth tutorial on QSGW+DMFT
- Suceptibility in QSGW+DMFT
201805- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
- Including Ladder Diagrams in W
How to include ladder diagrams in W.
- Susceptibility calculations for Nickel
Susceptibilities from DMFT + BSE.
- CTQMC for Nickel
Running the DMFT loop.
- Data Preparation for Nickel DMFT
This tutorial will teach you how to set up the DMFT loop.
- Nickel spectral functions and optics
How to make spectral functions and density-of-states from a given QSGW+DMFT self-energy.
- Tuning CTQMC Parameters for Nickel
Indications on how to set parameters for a DMFT calculation.
- CTQMC for NiO
Running the DMFT loop.
uncategorised- 3rd Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- CECAM/CCP9 Graduate School on Electronic Structure
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
201905- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
Plotting bands using lmf and plbnds
- Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running calculations
- Magnetism in lmf
Magnetism and spin-orbit in lmf
This tutorial will teach you how to perform a dmft loop for La2CuO4
202502- Dielectric function and excitons with QSGŴ
Generating and visualising excitons
- First DFT and QSGW calculations
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
- Green’s Functions LMTO
- Principal Layer Green’s Functions
- QSGW + Spin-Dynamical Mean Field Theory Applied to Ni
- Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW
- Ladder Diagrams in QSGW
- Frolich contribution to energy band shifts in SrTiO3
- Many body response functions in the Questaal code
- Metal-insulator transition in copper oxides induced by apex displacements
- Spin-orbit Torques in CoPt Multilayers
- 3rd Daresbury Questaal school
- Energy band structure and optical properties of boron arsenide
- Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion in CuS
- Electrical transport of tetragonal CuMnAs
- Density-functional Description of Spin Orbit Torque
- Ab initio Description of Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
- Questaal Methods Paper
- Origins of Superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2
- Magnetism of Yttrium Iron Garnet
- First-principles supercurrent calculations in realistic magnetic Josephson junctions
- 4th Daresbury Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- An embedding scheme within the Quasiparticle Self-consistent GW approximation
- Excitons in Cr{Cl,Br,I}₃
- Origins of Superconductivity in FeSe
- First principles vs second principles description of strongly correlated systems
- 5th Questaal School
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
- Why TiSe2 is a band insulator, not an excitonic insulator
- Electronic structure of CrSBr: theory and experiment
- Hyperbolic Exciton Polaritons
- Magnetically confined surface excitons in a layered antiferromagnet
- Good Plasmons in a Bad Metal
- Interaction between magnetic field and excitons in CrSBr
Generating and visualising excitons
Setting up the lmf ctrl file and running first DFT and GW calculations
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school
Index of the lectures and tutorials for the school