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Detailed electronic structure calculations for a proper description of the transport properties of magnetic Josephson junctions

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QSGW provides a parameter free description of magnetism in the YIG, the model material for spintronics and magnonics research

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How incoherence from Hundness controls superconductivity in LaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2

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A paper describing Questaal's functionality, including its basis set, its various implementations of density-functional theory and its two tracks of many-body theory.

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How spin and charge parity combine to increase the superconducting critical temperature in Sr2RuO4 under strain

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Interfacial contribution to spin-orbit torque and magnetoresistance in ferromagnet/heavy-metal bilayers

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TB-LMTO-CPA was used to model electrical transport in tetragonal CuMnAs at finite temperature.

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Anisotropic Plasmonic CuS Nanocrystals as a Natural Electronic Material with Hyperbolic Optical Dispersion

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State-of-the-art calculation of the electronic and optical properties of the newly emerging thermal transport semiconductor boron arsenide

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We are pleased to announce the 3rd Daresbury Questaal school. It will take place 13-17 May 2019, at Daresbury Laboratory, UK. This is an opportunity for researchers to learn about advanced electronic structure and gain hands-on experience with Questaal's DFT/QSGW/BSE/DMFT functionality. The event is free to attend and local accommodation will be provided.

Questaal News

We have demonstrated the feasibility of calculating the spin-orbit torques in layered systems within density-functional theory, augmented by an Anderson model to treat disorder. Terms beyond the usual damping-like and field-like torques were found. While the torques that contribute to damping are almost entirely due to spin-orbit coupling on the Pt atoms, the field-like torque does not require it.

Questaal News

The Quasiparticle Self-Consistent GW approximation is combined with Dynamical Mean Field theory (DMFT). It is shown that by varying the positions of apical oxygen atoms, a metal-insulator transition can be induced in La2CuO4. This work also shows that optical conductivity can be well predicted by the theory and shows how spin and charge susceptibilities and the superconducting pairing order parameter, vary with the apical O displacement. QSGW+DMFT provides a new approach to handle strong correlations with predictive capability greatly superior to conventional methods such as DFT+DMFT.