Documentation Index
- The Atomic Spheres Approximation
- Implementation of Dynamical Mean Field Theory
- Full Potential LMTO Capabilities
- Full Potential Overview
- The RPA and RPA+BSE Dielectric functions
- Including ladder diagrams in W
- Implementation of the GW Approximation
- The ASA Crystal Green's function program lmgf
- The ASA layer Green's function program lmpg
- The empirical tight-binding code tbe
- User's guide for GW code,
An introduction to
- Command Line switches
- Questaal Data files and their Formats
- The GWinput file
- The blm utility and the init file
- The Input File (CTRL)
- Syntax of the Input File
- The File Preprocessor
- The restart file
- Specifying Lattice and Site Information
- Symmetry Line Files
- The ccomp processor
- The fplot utility
- Fitting energies to classical model Hamiltonians
- The supercell and superlattice maker lmscell
- The mcx matrix calculator
- The polynomial fitting program pfit
- The plbnds utility
- The pldos utility
- The rdfile and rdcmd utilities
- Brillouin zone integration
- Syntax of integer lists
- Jigsaw Puzzle Orbitals
- On Rotations
- Self-consistency
- Smooth Hankel Functions
- Spherical Harmonics
- Spin and Spin Orbit Coupling
- Annotated GW output
Output from lmgw, mostly for 1-shot GW calculations.
- Annotated standard output, program lmf
The standard output from the PbTe tutorial is annotated.
- Annotated standard output, program lmfa
The standard output from lmfa for the PbTe tutorial is annotated
- Annotated standard output, program lmfg